
Tips for logging in successfully

Are you having trouble logging in?

The most common problem users have when trying to log in is the case sensitive criteria. If you are new to the site and been allocated a username and password from Templar, or if you simply haven't logged on in a while, please ensure you are entering the login details exactly as provided to you by Templar.

Another common problem is that users sometimes cannot log in when using older versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer as our website was written to compliment GOOGLE CHROME. However the latest version of Internet Explorer should not pose any problems for logging in, so try to update your software if possible, otherwise try using Google Chrome or Firefox, as these both work fine, and are free downloads.

In most cases the Username will be a series of numbers with no spaces before, after or in between. If you have been issued with a new username it may consist a series of letters or a combination of letters and numbers. Please note that all letters used in Templar login details are always UPPERCASE (capital letters).

Your Password will also be a combination of numbers and letters. It is a good idea to make sure 'O's are not zeros and vice versa. Also, don't forget thatÂall letters used in Templar login details are always UPPERCASE (capital letters).

If you were using the website 'templaronline' in the past, please note that this website is used only by Templar WA and is no longer accessible by SA travel agents, however your login details have all been transferred to our SA website

If you still have trouble logging in, please don't hesitate to contact one of our friendly team on (08) 8443 5001 and we will be more than happy to assist you!